
1 And the Lord spake vnto Moses, and vnto Aaron, saying,

2 Take the summe of the sonnes of Kohath, from among the sonnes of Leui, after their families, by the house of their fathers.

3 From thirty yeeres old and vpward, euen vntil fifty yeres old, all that enter into the hoste, to doe the worke in the Tabernacle of the Congregation.

4 This shall bee the seruice of the sonnes of Kohath, in the Tabernacle of the Congregation, about the most Holy things.

5 ¶ And when the Campe setteth forward, Aaron shall come, and his sonnes, and they shall take downe the couering Uaile, and couer the Arke of Testimony with it:

6 And shall put thereon the couering of badgers skinnes, & shall spread ouer it a cloth wholly of blew, and shall put in the staues thereof.

7 And vpon the table of Shewbread they shall spread a cloth of blew, and put thereon the dishes, and the spoones, and the bowles, and couers to couer withall: and the continual bread shalbe thereon.

8 And they shall spread vpon them a clothe of scarlet, and couer the same with a couering of badgers skinnes, and shall put in the staues thereof.

9 And they shall take a cloth of blew, and couer the candlesticke of the light, and his lampes, and his tongs, and his snuffe dishes, and all the oyle vessels thereof, wherewith they minister vnto it.

10 And they shall put it, and all the vessels thereof, within a couering of badgers skinnes, and shall put it vpon a barre.

11 And vpon the golden Altar they shall spread a cloth of blew, and couer it with a couering of badgers skinnes, and shall put to the staues thereof.

12 And they shall take all the instruments of ministery, wherewith they minister in the Sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blew, and couer them with a couering of badgers skinnes, and shall put them on a barre.

13 And they shall take away the ashes from the Altar, and spread a purple cloth thereon:

14 And they shall put vpon it all the vessels thereof, wherewith they minister about it, euen the censers, the fleshhookes, and the shouels, and the basons, all the vessels of the Altar: and they shall spread vpon it a couering of badgers skinnes, and put to the staues of it.

15 And when Aaron and his sonnes haue made an end of couering the Sanctuary, and all the vessels of the Sanctuary, as the campe is to set forward; after that, the sonnes of Kohath shall come to beare it: but they shal not touch any holy thing, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sonnes of Kohath in the Tabernacle of the Congregation.

16 ¶ And to the office of Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the Priest, perteineth the oile for the light, and the sweet incense, and the dayly meat offering, and the anoynting oyle, and the ouersight of all the Tabernacle, and of all that therein is, in the Sanctuary, and in the vessels thereof.

17 ¶ And the Lord spake vnto Moses, and vnto Aaron, saying,

18 Cut ye not off the tribe of the families of the Kohathites, from among the Leuites.

19 But thus doe vnto them, that they may liue, and not die: when they approche vnto the most Holy things, Aaron and his sonnes shall goe in, and appoint them euery one to his seruice, and to his burden.

20 But they shall not goe in to see when the holy things are couered, lest they die.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).

Agere Sequitur Esse