
The fulfillment of what exists potentially
insofar as it exist potentially.

– Aristotle, in Physics.

Geraghty (n.d.) illuminates Aristotle’s definition of motion by informing us that “its being is more actual than its starting point, but more potential than its endpoint” (p. 33). Geraghty (n.d.) illuminated as well the difficulty of arriving at a definition of motion since that which is motions rests between both starting and end points, which are are in themselves rest. From a perspective rooted in physics, this dilemma conjures to mind the uncertainty principle, which states that we can never know where something is and the direction it is traveling at the same time; where the keyword here being, time. Thus, we are left asking ourselves as meta-physicians not only how potential a thing’s being is as its actually exists between its starting and endpoints, but also as non-metaphysicians as what is its being as a thing’s relationship to time and space.


  1. Geraghty, R. (n.d.). “Aristotle’s Physics.” Unpublished Manuscript for PHH651.

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