
Ministry of Reconciliation

In consideration that Jesus Christ ministered by tending to His flock, Christians could also minister by walking in Christ’s footsteps when ministering to the spiritual welfare of their brethren. A minister can either be a leader or lay member of the church who works through the koinonia for the good of the Ekklesia. Regarding marriage, a minister may counsel married Christian couple to strengthen the flock. (EDT 2008, 550).


This term was selected because I have become more of a minister than a “psychologist,” or even a philosopher. From a vocational standpoint underlying my profession as a counselor, I now tend to perceive that my work is ministerial rather than psychological or philosophical. I have noticed that a new professional tradition has slowly developed over the course of providing Christ-centered feedback to counselees. Rather than counseling two couples whose relationship is on the rocks in effort to free the relationship from the perils of the relational reef upon which their marriage might sit, I have come to counsel with the intent on holding the church together by focusing their attention on not giving up on one another any more than our Lord might give up on them. Rather than optimistically abandon the ship with the belief that their newfound freedom might lead one to a better ship, two Christians are encouraged to not to abandon hope and keep the faith that a family who prays together tends to stay together.


Trier, Daniel J. and Walter A. Elwell. 2008. Introducing Theological Interpretation of Scripture: Recovering a Christian Practice. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).

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