
Philosophers, Theologians, and Biblical Scholars

—  Spirituali

    1. Initiation: Franciscan
      1. Eucharist
      2. Liturgy
      3. Readings
      4. Prayers
      5. Clothing
      6. Work
      7. Solitude
    2. Formations
      1. Society: Benedictine
      2. Association: Ignatian
    3. Fellowships:
      1. Augustinian
      2. Dominican

Before our patron saint was martyred and entered sainthood, Justin’s teachings on Logos as the only true philosophy were held in the House of Martinus, in Rome. In consideration of Justinian Martyrdom, the several aspects listed above uniquely characterizes our order of salvation.


The Eucharist is not only reminder that the Christ as Word of God who had occupied the flesh and blood for our salvation as Jesus, but also reminds us that in addition to partaking in our Lord and Savior’s body and blood in remembrance of Christ Jesus’s passion, but also because “it is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matt. 4:4) for we must “trust in the Lord with all our heart, and lean not on your own understanding” (Prov. 3:5) as “He shall direct our paths (Prov. 3:6).. .

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Divine Reading

The Lectio Divina, divine reading, is centrally important to our spirituality.True to its biblical origins, the monastic life seeks above all a listening heart wherein God’s Word—God’s self-communication—is made manifest in Christ, in the Scriptures, in the human heart and in the heart of the cosmos. Lectio Divina is a method of approaching scripture in order to listen to the depths, seeking to encounter Christ, the Word, through the power of the Holy Spirit, hidden in the words of the text.. .

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Lectio Divina

The repeated reading of the text until certain words and phrases call for attention.Sometimes footnotes in a good study bible (for example, the Jerusalem Bible) as well as cross references help here. This stage has often been compared to taking in food, as the first “eating” of the word of scripture.. .

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The further “chewing” or ruminating on key words and phrases. One stays as long as one is so attracted to a word or phrase. At this stage the heart of the text for the reader should begin to emerge.. .

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Lectio Divina

These key words and phrases of the text eventually lead the person to prayer inspired by the text and a growing awareness of God’s presence in Christ by the Spirit. This is the deep tasting of the text.. .

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Eventually the particular words lead the reader beyond words to a silent awareness of God’s presence—simply an abiding or communing with God. This is the savoring of the sweetness of the Lord. Lectio is also enhanced when an oblate does scripture study and learns to consult good commentaries to support his or her reading. In this way the subtle nuances of a text will be more available to the reader. The oblate should try to do lectio as often as possible but at least once a week in preparation for Sunday Liturgy, using the readings for that Sunday.. .

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Interior Prayer

Personal participation in the liturgy and the regular practice of lectio are reflected in one’s interior prayer, flowing up from the depths of the heart under the influence of the Holy Spirit. This prayer, the fruit of repentance and purity of heart, is taught by the Gospel and recommended by Saint Benedict, Cassian and the desert tradition. The atmosphere of silence, in which God speaks, is indispensable for this practice. Silence permeates it and nourishes it, and when an oblate is faithful to this prayer (Jesus Prayer/Centering Prayer/Christian meditation, etc.) it becomes a constant reality in his/her relationship with God as son/daughter. It is recommended that this prayer be offered twice a day, morning and evening, for ten or twenty minutes or more, when possible.. .

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Clothed with Christ. How the apparel Christian man is being clothed by Christ. And although by the things above said it may clearly enough be to understand how the apparel of a Christian is Christ, nevertheless we will speak somewhat more, knowing that to talk of Christ and of his gifts to a good Christian it can never seem tedious nor painful, although a thing were repeated a thousand times.. .

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A great deal of our lives is spent at work. For our spirituality, work is more than earning a living. It is a means of developing our human faculties, continuing the work of God the Creator and contributing to the fulfillment of the plan of Divine Providence. Sometimes work also entails some suffering, and to this extent it is for us a participation in the redemption of humanity through the mystery of the cross.. .

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Silence and Solace

Silence and solace have a special place in the Spirituali tradition. The encounter with God in silence and solitude is distinctive of our tradition. An apt image of such an encounter with God is the desert or wilderness, where one is stripped of everything but that alone which is truly necessary.. .

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8. Benedictine Spiritual Formation
9. Ignatian Spiritual Formation

These two spiritually formative programs for self-edification span five phases, four levels, and thirty-two steps. Our emphases are entirely on christian behavior. After all, action follows being. The first social program is geared on the Rule of Saint Benedict. The second social program is geared on the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius. These gears or credentials are necessary. The first allows visitors to subscribe. In short, the second allows subscribers to contribute, author, and edit publications. Fundamentally, all our members as Christians of one denomination or another. Whereas our Patron Saint is Justin Martyr, we are philosophers for Christ as a society for philosophical Christians.


Rule of Saint Benedict. During the course of the first three phases that concerns glorifying God in all things leads to a certificate is a paper of no less than one page per response. Candidates are to respond with no less than two double-spaced papers. Each paper must reflect on the essence of that particular Benedictine Rule and a practical reflection on how it applies to the everyday lives of people. Those who complete each of the first three phases and an academic paper that puts each theory in practice by way of an hypothetical or real example.

Phase 1.

The first phase gain a (1) basic level of understanding as a fellow by (a) subscribing to the (i) liturgy and (i) readings. The first phase also gains a basic doctrinal level of understanding by subscribing (i) Our Original Sin and Misery of Man and, (i) Purpose of the Law as a fellow.

Phase 2.

The second phase is to gain a (2) proficient level of understanding as a fellow by (b) contributing to the (ii) Liturgy, (ii) Readings, (ii) Prayers, and (ii) Clothing, (ii) Original Sin and Misery of Man and (ii) Purpose of the Law. The second phase also gains a (2) basic doctrinal level of understanding by subscribing to our (xii) Salvation Depends on Christ and (xiii) the Effects of Lively Faith.

Phase 3.

The third phase is to gain an (3) advanced level of understanding by (c) publishing the (iii) liturgy, (iii) reading, (iii) Prayers, (iii) Clothing. (iii) work and (iii) solitude, (iii) Original Sin and Misery of Man, (iii) Purpose of the Law. The third is also to basic doctrinal level of understanding by subscribing to (xv) Clothed With Christ and (xvi) Remedies Against Unbelief.


Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius. During the course of the last to phases that concerns the examination of conscience which leads to certification is a second paper of no less than one page per response. Candidates are to respond with no less than two double-spaced papers. Each paper must reflect on the essence and practicality of the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius otherwise known as the examination of conscience.

Phase 4.

The fourth is to gain a (4) demonstrable level of mastery as a junior member or “partner” by (d) editing or publishing the (iv) Liturgy, (iv) Readings, and (iv) Clothing, (iv) Salvation Dependent on Christ, and (iv) Effects of a Lively Faith. It also pertains to having obtained an advanced level of proficiency concerning (iv) work, (iv) solitude, and (iv) Original Sin and Mystery of Man, and (iv) Purpose of The Law, (iv)  Prayers.

Phase 5.

The fifth is to gain a (5) demonstrable level of mastery as a senior member or “partner” by  (e) editing or (f) publishing as a senior editor or author.. .


By: Philosophers Press, LLC

Members are our publishers. Philosophers, theologians, and biblical counselors begin publishing from their contributions onward and reflect on their publications. Subscribers are able to benefit from the resulting reflections of their own as Christian philosophers in association with our society. Contributors are able to grow in light of their own reflections and those of others. Our Organization consists of those who hold Christianity to be the sole true philosophy as taught in the House of Martinus in Rome by Justin Martyr.


Subscribers can purchase a lifetime subscription or be provided one once hiring one of our biblical counselors as an educational instrument intended to help others mold themselves after Christ Jesus as a whole.. .

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Contributors are able contribute towards the development of this site by writing posts that are edited and published by the editor. Contributors write potential posts as an integral part of ongoing biblical counseling as something that is not only instrumentally educational but further aids putting on Christ.. .

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Authors have demonstrated an ability to compose high quality content while having transformed themselves into the likeness of Jesus may publish posts under the oversight of an assigned. This is evident when a candidate demonstrates living according to faith by having been born again (John 3:3) and become like a child without being childlike (Matthew 18:3) and retrospection (1 Cor. 13:11) actively participating in fellowship as a senior member.. .

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Editors edit posts to ensure that content and method meet high moral and ethical standards. This is the highest level of anyone belonging to the Fellowship can achieve. Editors and Auditors are our Spirituali for the goal of their work is achieved when the minds of those who they serve are enlightened.. .

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Administrators conduct one of two administrative tasks. The first is responsible for the architecture. The other is responsible for the engineering. Of these, only one is a super-administrator who is also an superintended that has been appointed by the administrative staff at Philosophers Press.. .

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The super-administrator has super-administrative privileges. This person is responsible for the development of this site. This person is also responsible for the ongoing training of the membership to continue to put on and bear Christ’s name and ensure the good stewardship of all members who are actively involved.. .

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1. How do I join?




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All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).

Agere Sequitur Esse