
Divinely Inspired Architecture

— Dr. Martinus, P. M.

    1. Aesthetics
    2. Content
    3. Functionality
    4. Performance
    5. Security


Dr. Paul Martinus: 2010—

Dr. Paul Martinus is has been the architect for over a decade. He began designing this site before he started college. Having begun college in the pursuit of truth, we worked his way to theology after having begun in psychology. Somewhere during the course of his psychological studies, he began wondering what the difference was between depression and despair and so on until changing tracks upon finishing his masters in general psychology to general advanced studies in human behavior where he went to work as an interventionist in the field of applied behavioral analysis after having earned his first doctorate. While still pursuing the Truth who he came to know personally as Christ, Jesus, Paul discovered that his roots began in Rome over two millennia ago in the House of Martinus where Justin Martyr just so happened to teach Christ as Logos, or the Word of God who were now know personally as Jesus. Today, he wakes up every day ready to do battle with the world as he has adept in his ministry and website design and architecture.


Aesthetics are based on principles of minimalism and symbolically included in the theme as sacred geometry.. .

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Content is based on principles of excellence representing high quality primary, secondary, and tertiary materials.. .

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Functionality is limited in effort to maintain security while providing high quality information to consumers.. .

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Performance is ranked in top percentile range of all sites on the internet according to current leading metrics testing sites.. .

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Security is maintained by systematically locking down all aspects of this site in effort to preserve its operational integrity.. .

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Philosophers Press LLC.
Attn: Dr. Paul Martinus
Mail: 32 N Gould St., Sheridan, WY 82801
Cell: +1 (307) 269-2250
Hours: 8am to 6pm, PST.
Message: Contact

All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).

Agere Sequitur Esse