
1 Paul a seruant of Iesus Christ, called to bee an Apostle, separated vnto the Gospel of God,

2 (Which he had promised afore by his Prophets in the holy Scriptures,)

3 Concerning his Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of Dauid according to the flesh,

4 And declared to be the Sonne of God, with power, according to the Spirit of holinesse, by the resurrection from the dead.

5 By whom we haue receiued grace and Apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for his Name,

6 Among whom are ye also the called of Iesus Christ.

7 To all that be in Rome, beloued of God, called to be Saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Iesus Christ.

Rom 1:1-7

All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).

Agere Sequitur Esse