1 And it came to passe, that as the people preassed vpon him to heare the word of God, hee stood by the lake of Genesareth,
2 And sawe two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets.
3 And he entred into one of the ships, which was Simons, and prayed him, that he would thrust out a little from the land: and he sate downe, and taught the people out of the ship.
4 Now when he had left speaking, he said vnto Simon, Lanch out into the deepe, and let downe your nets for a draught.
5 And Simon answering, said vnto him, Master, wee haue toiled all the night, and haue taken nothing: neuerthelesse at thy word I will let downe the net.
6 And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes, and their net brake:
7 And they beckened vnto their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and helpe them. And they came, & filled both the ships, so that they began to sinke.
8 When Simon Peter saw it, he fell downe at Iesus knees, saying, Depart from me, for I am a sinfull man, O Lord.
9 For he was astonished, and al that were with him, at the draught of the fishes which they had taken.
10 And so was also Iames, and Iohn the sonnes of Zebedee, which were partners with Simon. And Iesus said vnto Simon, Feare not, from henceforth thou shalt catch men.
11 And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsooke all, and followed him.
Lk 5:1-11
All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).